Festivals and Folk Dances of India | Festivals of Assam | ADRE 2.0 Important Questions

Festivals and Folk Dances of India | Festivals of Assam | ADRE 2.0 Important Questions

Festivals and Folk Dances of India | Festivals of Assam | ADRE 2.0 Important Questions

Festivals of Assam|Festivals of India|Festivals of North-East|Festivals of Gujarat|Festivals of Madhya Pradesh|Festivals of Andhra Pradesh| Festivals|Folk Dances|Folk Dances of Assam| Folk Dances of North-East|ADRE Questions| Competitive Exam| Festivals and Folk Dances of India | Festivals of Assam | ADRE 2.0 Important Questions

Festival and Folk Dances of Assam and India:

A Festival is a day or period of time when people celebrate special events and religious rituals together and enjoys a lot. During festivals workers enjoy holiday from work or job and spend time with the family or relatives. It is believed that the festivals bring unity among the people of the country. India is diverse country where different groups of people live together and their cultures and festivals are also defferent. Festivals dignify the cultural life of a particular community. People of India enjoy every festivals irrespective of religion, caste, community etc. Multiple festivals are seen throughout the year among the communities of India which is believed to be strengthened the dignity and unity among the people. Like Festivals, Folk dances are also important for the improvement of cultural dignity and unity among Indian communities. A folk dance is a dance which reflects the life of the people of a certain community or country or region. All the ethnic dances are not folk dances.

Festivals of Assam:

Various festivals of people of Assam are listed below. All those festivals may be the targeted question of various competitive exams like ADRE 3rd grade and 4rth grade, PnRD, APDCL, JJM, APSC, SSC, Assam TET etc. 

জনগোষ্ঠী উৎসৱ
মিচিং আলি আই লৃগাং, দবুৰ, নৰাছিগা বিহু,


তিৱা ইয়ালিং উৎসৱ, বৰত, মায় পথালা, চংখং, বানচুৱা।
আহোম উমফা পূজা, চোমদেও পূজা, ফুৰালুং পূজা, মে ডা মে ফি।
ৰাভা ফৰকান্তি উৎসৱ, খকচি পূজা, পাউৰা দেও, লাংখুনি পূজা, হাছং পূজা, হাথাচুনি, টুকুৰিয়া পূজা, উম্ৰা পূজা।
দেউৰী হাউনীয়া পূজা, বহাগী বিচু।
গাৰো বাংগালা, মাংগোনা
হাজং লেৱাটনা বিহু, কাতি গাছা, কৌতকৌ পূজা, চ’ৰ মাগা।
কাৰ্বি ৰংখেৰ, দুচীয়, দোমাহী আলুন, দেহাল পূজা, চমাংকন।
চাহ জনগোষ্ঠী চহৰাই পৰব, কৰম পূজা, টুচু পূজা, চৈত বা চৰক পূজা, ফুছপানীমাৰ পূজা।
বড়ো খেৰাই পূজা, গাৰজা, বাথৌ পূজা, বৈশাগু, বাইছাণ্ড।
ডিমাছা বুচু উৎসৱ, গেৰুৱা ।
সোণোৱাল কছাৰী বাইথো পূজা, বলিৰজা দোমাহি।
কোচ ৰাজবংশী দৰ পূজা।
চুতীয়া পানীতোলা বৰসবাহ।
বৌদ্ধ পইচাংকেণ্টাই।

Festivals of India:

Various festivals of people of India are listed below. All those festivals may be the targeted  question of various competitive exams like ADRE 3rd grade and 4rth grade, PnRD, APDCL, JJM, APSC, SSC, Assam TET, UPSC, CTET etc.

Assam Ambubachi, Bhogali Bihu, Baishagu, Dehing Patkai, Rangali Bihu, Aali Aye Ligang, Bihu
Arunachal Pradesh Reh, Boori Boot, Pongtu, Losar, Murung
Andhra Pradesh Dasara, Ugadi, Brahmotsavam, Deccan Festival,
Haryana Baishaki
Jharkhand Holi, Karam Utsav, Tusu, Rohini festival
Jammu and Kashmir Bahu Mela, Har Navami
West Bengal Durga Puja
Uttar Pradesh Ram Navami, Ganga Mahotsav, Navaratri
Tripura Kharchi Puja
Tamil Nadu Pongal, Natyanjali Festival
Punjab Lohiri, Boishaki
Odisha Rath Yatra
Telangana Bathukamma, Bonalu
Rajasthan Teej festival, Gangaur, Desert festival, Nagaur
Manipur Yaoshang, Porag
Maharastra Ganesh Chaturthi, Nag Panchami, Gudi Padva, Makar shankranti, Bhau Beej
Nagaland Hornbill Festival, Sukrunyi,
Sikkim Losoong, Drupka Teshi, Bumchu, Saga Dawa, Dassin
Karnataka Ugadi and Mysore Dasara festival
Bihar Chat Puja, Bihula
Goa Sunburn Festival, Goa Carnival
Himachal Pradesh Rakhadumni
Gujarat Navratri, Janmastami
Kerala Onam, vishu

Various Folk Dances of India:

Some important Folk Dances of India are listed below – 

Assam Bihu, Bagurumba, Ali Ai Ligang dance, Jhumur, Deodhani, Naga Dance, Oja-Pali, Farkanti dance
Andhra Pradesh Kolattam, Butta Bommalu, Kuchipudi, Vilasini Natyam, Andhra Natyam,Bhamakalpam, Veeranatyam, Dappu
Gujarat Garba dance, Dandiya Ras
Bihar Bakho-Bakhain, Panwariya, Sama Chakwa, Jata-Jatin
Kathakali (Classical dance), Ottam Thulal, Mohiniattam,Kaikottikali.
Karnataka Dollu Kunitha, Yakshagan, Huttari, Suggi, Kunitha
Jammu Kashmir Rouf, Dumhal, Hikat, Mandjas, Kud Dandi Nach
Himachal Pradesh Chharhi, Dhaman, Ahasu, Nati,Dangi, Jhora
Manipur Jagoi, Cholom, Raas Leela
Punjab Giddha, Bhangra, Jhumar, Jaago
Meghalaya Laho Dance


Some Important Question:

1. What is the major folk dance of Sikkim?

Ans: Tamang Selo.

2. Dalkhai is the folk dance of which state?

Ans: Odisha.

3. Ghoomar is the folk dance of which state?

Ans: Rajasthan.

4. Onam is the major festival of which state?

Ans: Kerala.

5. Kathakali is the major folk dance of which state?

Ans: Kerala.

6. Damali is the folk dance of which state?

Ans: Jammu and Kashmir.

7. Garba dance is practiced in which ndian state? 

Ans: Gujarat.

8. Hojagiri dance is practiced in which state?

Ans: Tripura.

9. Bihu puja is practiced in which state?

Ans: Assam.

One response to “Festivals and Folk Dances of India | Festivals of Assam | ADRE 2.0 Important Questions”

  1. Rejina Avatar

    Very informative

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